Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Political anorak's week of dreams

Being a rather sad sort, ntr is looking forward to Wednesday and Thursday immensely. Unfortunately, we are not being bought a pony (we are not involved in planning decisions), but instead will be keeping an eye on two different executives.

On Wednesday, barring an unholy Unionist alliance that would win the 2007 award for "Really Fucking Mental Decision That Will Destroy Credibility Instantly", Alex Salmond will be elected First Minister. ntr is happy to admit voting SNP the other week, and is even happier admitting that seeing Wee Jack's face tripping him on Weds as he realises he has to swop seats with the Gnats will be a sight to see. A worst-case scenario for Salmond over the next year is defeat after defeat on parliamentary motions and bills, especially ones requiring more/less government expenditure. A best-case scenario see Wendy Alexander take over as Labour leader and Nicol Stephen cling determinedly to power, the SNP then winning 75+ seats at the 2011 elections. Somewhere between the two extremes is the more likely outcome.

Closer to ntr's patch on Thursday, the City Council has its first meeting since the election [.pdf file]. Rather a culture shock for the Labour Cllrs - from a majority of 59, they're down to 11. A quick look at last Friday's Evening Times prediction on who'll get the top jobs, demonstrates the paucity of talent at Steven "Downy Hair" Purcell's disposal. ntr's own local Labour man in the chambers, Archie Graham (aka Mr Johann Lamont), gets the Culture & Sport gig - despite the obvious catch that Labour rush-privatised Culture & Sport prior to the election. Maybe he just has a few games of Scrabble or something.

Archie Graham: Leading the bid for the European Ludo Championships 2009

The real issue for Labour is getting the less, ahem, 'active' of their cooncillors into the Chambers when duty calls. In the past, the massive Labour majority has meant the only real incentive for the comrades to turn up was the free lunch in the Members' Restaurant, or flicking through the latest issue of Razzle in the Members' Library. The new set-up means Labour need only lose 2 or 3 Cllrs attendance at a committee, and the opposition start winning votes. It may the most important people in the new Chambers won't be the Provosts or Leader - it could be the Chief Whips.

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